Integrity Policy

As part of our commitment to integrity and user trust, we integrate Google AdMob into our Timer mobile application. AdMob serves advertisements to help support our app's development and maintenance while ensuring a positive user experience. Our integrity policy regarding AdMob integration includes the following:

  1. Transparency: We provide clear information to users about the use of advertisements within our app, including the fact that AdMob is used for ad serving purposes.
  2. Ad Personalization: We comply with Google's policies regarding ad personalization, ensuring that users have control over their ad preferences and can opt out of personalized advertising if they choose.
  3. Data Collection: We adhere to Google's data collection policies and only collect user data necessary for ad serving purposes, such as device identifiers and location data as permitted by the user's consent and applicable regulations.
  4. Privacy: We prioritize user privacy and ensure that any data collected for advertising purposes is handled securely and in compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations.
  5. User Consent: We obtain explicit consent from users before collecting any personal data for advertising purposes, as required by Google's policies and applicable regulations.
  6. Compliance: We adhere to Google's AdMob program policies and guidelines to ensure compliance with their terms of service and maintain a positive relationship with Google as our advertising partner.
  7. In-app purchases: We offer in-app purchases to provide users with additional features and content within our app. Users can choose to make purchases to enhance their experience, and we ensure that all transactions are secure and comply with relevant regulations and guidelines.

By integrating AdMob into our app in alignment with these principles, we aim to provide users with relevant and engaging advertisements while respecting their privacy and maintaining the integrity of our app.